Campeche | Mexico | Central and North America

Santa Rosa Xtampak


ABOUT Santa Rosa Xtampak

Xtampak (also known as Santa Rosa Xtampak) is a Maya archaeological site in the Mexican state of Campeche. A major town in the Chenes region, it flourished during the Late Classic era.

Some consider Santa Rosa Xtampak as, perhaps, the most important regional capital of the Chenes; There they captured such power, which is one of the few sites in the region that has altars, stelae sculpted with dates of events, free sculptures, construction of pyramidal bases and in later times, perhaps around the year 900 to 1100 of our era, the introduction of what has been reported as a sacbé or path that joins two of the main architectural ensembles and the remodeling and increase of the most notable, but not the most volumetric, of its constructions: The Palace. In summary, in that old city, there is everything "atypical" for the region, a relevant aspect for specialists to consider it as a regional capital, that is, having essential elements that small peripheral cities do not have, as they are subject to control. and dependence on a capital. In addition to this, the territorial extension of the settlement (30 square kilometers) and that its radius of power and influence has been calculated at 400 square kilometers, place Santa Rosa Xtampak as one of the most spectacular sites in the Chenes province.

The Best Pictures of Santa Rosa Xtampak
