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Kaechon internment camp

Gaecheon Jeongchibeom Gaecheon


ABOUT Kaechon internment camp

Kaechon Internment Camp (Hangeul: 개천 제14호 관리소, also spelled Kae'chŏn or Gaecheon) is a labor camp in North Korea for political prisoners and descendants of alleged criminals. The official name for the camp is Kwan-li-so (Penal-labor colony) No. 14. The camp is commonly known as Camp 14. It is not to be confused with the Kaechon concentration camp (Kyo-hwa-so No. 1), which is located 20 km (12 mi) to the northwest.

The Best Pictures of Kaechon internment camp

Videos of Kaechon internment camp

Camp 14: Total Control Zone Death Camp 14 North Korea Escape from camp 14 Shin Dong-hyuk Former North Korean guard: People buried alive